We help feed and e​ducate​ children

The Lobie B. Johnson Memorial Scholarship
The Lobie B. Johnson Memorial Scholarship
My grandmother was a very amazing woman. She was born
September 24, 1913. Her sun set on June 2, 2017. Had she lived
to see her birthday she would have been 104 years old. Can you
imagine what she must have seen in over 100 years?
She was the proud mother of 10 beautiful children 6 boys and 4
girls and was blessed to see four generations of her children.
Because during her era education for minorities (women and
people of color) was not readily available she was unable to be
a college graduate herself but was very happy to see the next
generation further their education beyond high school.
So we count it a great privilege to be able to provide this
scholarship to any gender or race in loving memory of Mrs. Lobie
B. Johnson.